Hello! Nigel, checking in here! I am the “hospital cat” at For Cats Only in West Palm Beach….or at least, that is what they tell me. I’m not really sure what that means. I don’t recall auditioning or applying for this position. This very attractive family of humans came to a store I was visiting one day, scooped me up and took me with them. When we arrived at the hospital, they announced “You are Nigel…our hospital cat!”. I figured, very well then…I hope there isn’t too much responsibility involved. They feed me every day, so….. so far, so good.
I spend most of my days hanging around in my office. I have agreed to share the office with Dr. Stephanie, so long as she doesn’t eat out of my dish, use my litter box or climb my tree. I make sure that she understands that the window area is completely mine, and that I, and I alone, have rights to sit in the letter hopper and the empty boxes from the copy paper store. Sometimes I let her sit in my chair, but she knows that she is only allowed to sit there when I am not using it.
It is very important to me that everyone who brings their cat to For Cats Only, should visit with me when they arrive. If I am not out and about, please ask to see me. My staff–Darla, Tracy and Maria–would be happy to knock on my office door and see if I am available for visits. I am always happy to take the time to visit with my adoring public.
I will be posting to this blog on a weekly basis, and you can always catch adorable pictures of me on the For Cats Only Facebook page. Please be sure to visit the Facebook page and “like” us, so that you never miss an awesome picture of me. If you need to get in touch with me, you can email me at the hospital or call the hospital and one of my loyal staff will be sure to give me the message.
Until next time….Meow!